What comes to your mind when you hear the word " Care leaver"? 

Or I can ask ,

"what are the emotions that you feel when you hear the word care leaver"? 

Is it pitiful or sympathy or left -overs or undefined.

Have you ever wondered about it? 

In the vast sea of memories, the term "care leaver" surfaces, a phrase that carries an emotional weight that words struggle to convey. Perhaps, it sparks memories or elicits emotions, or maybe, it's an entirely new concept that leaves a flutter in the heart.

Imagine, that you will discovery  a beautiful pearl nestled within the delicate folds of a shell. Our world is similar to that precious shell, which carries hidden gems in every corner—the care leavers. Like the unfolding mystery of a pearl's value, the true beauty within care leavers often remains hidden, awaiting the delicate touch of a helping hand, whether it be from an individual or a compassionate organization.

Picture the heartwarming joy that floods the soul when stumbling upon a precious pearl. Now, reflect on the reason why some hearts hesitate, and eyes glance away when they encounter a care leaver. These living pearls, vibrant with life, await open arms and warm embraces. If we can extend a welcoming hand to lifeless pearls with smiles  on our faces, why does we linger when facing these living treasures?

Yes, a care leaver might be engaged with challenges, yet their existence should arouse compassion, not dismissal or discrimination. Pause and ponder why our ability to reach out hesitates  when faced with care leavers. Instead of turning our gaze, let us extend our hands, drawing them into the warm glow and recognizing their innate worth until they radiate with brilliance.

This might seem like a distant concern, but in truth, it is everyone's business. If this world is your sanctuary, it is theirs too. Much like you taste the sweetness of life, care leavers deserve to taste it as well. Their potential to contribute to the betterment of the world is intense—so why uphold distinctions? Why keep discrimination? Why do we witness lingering stares and expressions of pity?

Delve into these questions within yourself. Seek answers that resonate with the strings of your own emotions.  Let us collectively open our hearts wide, embracing our pearls—the care leavers.


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