Girl's right to Dream

Have you ever wondered why some people are told they shouldn't dream? This isn’t just my story; it’s the story of every person who dared to dream despite being told they couldn’t. They say dreaming is for everyone, but why then do those same people tell us we shouldn’t dream?

When I dared to dream, I was told it wasn’t my place. I wrapped my life around my dreams, refusing to let go, like cotton clings to thorns. Now, they say I shouldn't have dreamed at all. What wrong did I do by dreaming? What is it about my dream that scares them?

I am not afraid of my dreams. If I dared to dream, I will make them come true. Why are they so afraid? Are they scared my dreams will take me to heights where they can’t follow, leaving them on the ground?

I’ve worked hard, struggled, and fought for my dreams. Now, as I get closer to making them a reality, they tell me I shouldn’t have dreamed because I am a girl. Should I not dream because I am a girl? When the Creator made us, there was no difference between them and me. Who are they to create these differences? The Creator gave me everything they have—life, breath, the ability to dream. So, why can they dream but not me?

It’s their narrow mindset that tells them I can’t dream. Now that I have dared to dream, why won’t they let it come true? Why are they pulling me away from my dreams? Why do they make me feel inferior?

I am a girl, but I am not weak. I cannot live without dreams. I will dream, and I will fulfill those dreams. The Creator gave me the right to dream and the strength to achieve them. Whether the world understands or not, they should.

When someone else says I can’t dream, it doesn’t hurt as much. But when my own people tell me I can’t dream because I am a girl, it breaks me. They say my life is within four walls, but why? If they can go out and see the world, why can’t I?

Why is my sky limited when theirs is vast and open? Why do they want to cage me like a bird? Why stamp their name on my life and confine me to my home? Don’t I have the right to live? Don’t I have the right to dream?

If they can make the world better, so can I. If they can advance one generation, I can advance four. My dreams are my life. Let me live them. Trust me once. Just once, trust me a little.

My dreams will change my life, their lives, and the world. My dreams will transform our society. I dream of a world where everyone is equal, where there’s no rich or poor, no discrimination.

Trust me once. Believe in me once. Let me reach the heights of the sky. I brought them into this world, raised them, nurtured them, and guided them. So, can’t I dream? I have the strength, courage, and determination. I can, and I will.

One day, I will show them what I am capable of. I will make this world a better place. That’s my promise. Just once, trust me. Give me the freedom to dream. They say I shouldn’t dream, but perhaps it is because they know my dreams will change everything.


  1. Dream itself is a question???

    the real happiness you will get after achieving the dream....

    i wish you luck for the dream you have...

    (It is really a nice blog which i have read in my life)

  2. Very Nice blog ...May all your dreams come true

  3. Very beautiful blog ...
    You Jotted very well.

  4. I appreciate ur authenticity and honesty in ur posts .It makes ur blog a joy to read!!!keep it up...


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